M.Sc: Duration 2 years (Four Semesters) with an exam at the end of each semester. Subjects Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Physics and Zoology.

Result of Ph.D Entrance exam:RIMS
Press release: NATS Graduate Apprenticeship Scheme-2024.
Ranchi University-India Rankings(NIRF)2024.
Notice for all Colleges under Ranchi University for UG Semester-4
Notice for postponed BDS first year (2022-23) Annual Examination.
Notification for Ph.D. Entrance Test: Guidelines Entrance Test : Application Form Ph.D. : Admit Card : Online Ph.D. Entrance Exam.2023
Urgent Notification regarding walk-in-Interview for appointment of Director,ILS is postpond
Notification for UG admission UG 2023.
Coaching for Poor PG Students for Entrance Test Examination held on 13.05.2023 and qualified for admission.
Coaching for Poor PG Students for Entrance Test Examination held on 13.05.2023( Answer Key).
Common University Entrance Test [ CUET (PG) 2023] : Ranchi University has joined CUET - PG 2023 , with the courses as mentioned ,the last date for online application is 11th May 2023 upto 9.00 pm.
Result of Ph.D. Entrance Test (2022-2023) Examination held in the Month of February 2023
Notification for Special Examination 2nd Generic of session 1017-20 and 2018-21.
Result for M.PhilPh.D Entrance Exam 2023 RINPAS
Result for M.Phil & Ph.D Entrance (written) Exam 2023 RINPAS.
Common University Entrance Test [CUET (UG)] - 2023: UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMM CUET UG_2023_UG.: Ranchi University CUET UG Template : List of CUET Tests : Sample
Regarding rejected students for M.Phil/Ph.D. Entrance Examination 2023
Ranchi University, NIRF data 2022-2023.
Regulation Governing the award of degree of Ph.D, D.Sc. and D.Litt.
Fee structure of UG and PG Courses. : Notification
Notification for not to take admission in fake Universities as per UGC: Link UGC
Gender Equity Audit Report 2022
NAAC result of Ranchi University: B++ Grade
NAAC Peer team report on Institutional Accreditation
Self Study report for NAAC Evaluation.
School of Yoga, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
Institute of Legal Studies,Ranchi University.
Journalism and Mass communication
Department of Performing & Fine Arts
Institute of Fashion Design and Management
Regulation Governing the award of degree of Ph.D, D.Sc. and D.Litt.
Fee structure of UG and PG Courses. : Notification
Statute relating to Admission : UGC regulation 2009
Agreement between Ranchi University & Spoken Tutorials, IIT, Bombay (ST)
NIRF Frame work, MHRD,Govt. of India for Data capturing system.
Monthly e-Newsletter , University Department of Geology, Ranchi University.:Newsletter vol I issue 2 : Newsletter vol I issue 3 : Newsletter vol I issue 04: Newsletter vol I issue 05-06:GEODE July 2021 Vol-01 No- 07 : GEODE August 2021 Vol-01 No- 08 :GEODE September 2021 Vol. 01 No. 09 GEODE October Vol. 01 No. 10 GEODE Nov. Dec 2021 Vol. 01 No. 11-12. GEODE JAN 2022 Vol II No.1 GEODE FEB 2022 Vol II No.02. GEODE MARCH 2022 Vol II No.03. GEODE APRIL 2022 VOL II NO. 04. GEODE MAY 2022 VOL. II NO. 05 GEODE June 2022 Vol. II No. 06 . GEODE JULY-AUG 2022.
M.Sc: Duration 2 years (Four Semesters) with an exam at the end of each semester. Subjects Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Physics and Zoology.
M.A: Duration 2 years (Four Semesters) with an exam at the end of each semester. Subjects Anthropology, Bengali, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Home Science,..
M.Com: Duration 2 years (Four Semesters) with an exam at the end of each semester. Subjects all compulsory papers with specialisation in Finance, Marketing, HRM.
The computer centre of Ranchi university was established in the year 1976 at the instance of the University Grants Commission (UGC). The Centre has installed 1 Gbps Leased connectivity under the UGC INFIBNET Scheme.
Ranchi University has a central library having more than 90000 text books, 10000 reference books and 350 Ph.D theses. Students, research scholars and teachers use these materials in its calm, comforting and serene atmosphere.